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- /*************************************************
- ** vmem **
- ** **
- ** sample file-memory mapping using the **
- ** memory.library **
- ** © 2001 THOR Software, Thomas Richter **
- *************************************************/
- /// Includes
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #include <mmu/mmutags.h>
- #include <memory/memory.h>
- #include <memory/memtags.h>
- #include <dos/rdargs.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/mmu.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/memory.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include <math.h>
- ///
- /// Defines
- #define TEMPLATE "SWAP/A"
- #define ARG_SWAP 0L
- #define ARG_NUM 1L
- ///
- /// Statics
- char version[]="$VER: vmem 40.1 (9.2.2002) © THOR";
- struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- struct MemoryLibrary *MemoryBase;
- struct MMUBase *MMUBase;
- struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
- ///
- /// Protos
- int __asm __saveds main(void);
- int PoolTest(struct VMPool *p);
- long rangerand(long max);
- struct Keeper **indextokp(struct Keeper **first,long index);
- int VMemTest(char *name);
- ///
- /// Structures
- struct Keeper {
- struct Keeper *next;
- ULONG len;
- };
- ///
- /// main
- int __asm __saveds main(void)
- {
- struct RDArgs *rd;
- LONG args[ARG_NUM];
- int rc = 25;
- SysBase = *((struct ExecBase **)(4L));
- memset(args,0,sizeof(args));
- if (DOSBase = (struct DosLibrary *)OpenLibrary("dos.library",37)) {
- if (MMUBase = (struct MMUBase *)OpenLibrary("mmu.library",43)) {
- if (MemoryBase = (struct MemoryLibrary *)OpenLibrary("memory.library",0)) {
- Printf("memory.library successfully openend.\n");
- if (rd = ReadArgs(TEMPLATE,args,NULL)) {
- rc = VMemTest((char *)(args[ARG_SWAP]));
- FreeArgs(rd);
- } else {
- PrintFault(IoErr(),"vmem failed");
- }
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)MemoryBase);
- } else {
- Printf("vmem failed: Failed to open the memory.library.\n");
- }
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)MMUBase);
- } else {
- Printf("mmap failed: Failed to open the mmu.library V43.");
- }
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)DOSBase);
- }
- return rc;
- }
- ///
- /// VMemTest
- int VMemTest(char *name)
- {
- struct MMUContext *ctx;
- struct AdrSpace *adr;
- struct VMPool *vmpool;
- int rc = 10;
- int len;
- /*
- * create a new MMU Context to operate in
- */
- ctx = CreateMMUContext(MCXTAG_SHARE,CurrentContext(NULL),TAG_DONE);
- if (ctx == NULL)
- Printf("Failed to create a new MMU context.\n");
- /*
- * Check whether the user wants a swap file or a swap partition
- */
- len = strlen(name);
- if ((len > 0) && (name[len-1]==':')) {
- char in[256];
- Printf("You selected a swap partition for this test suite.\n"
- "Remember that all data on partition %s will be erased.\n"
- "Are you sure that you want to do this?\n"
- "(yes/no):");
- Flush(Output());
- len = Read(Input(),in,255);
- if (len != 4 || (strcmp(in,"yes\n"))) {
- Printf("***Aborted***\n");
- return 5;
- }
- adr = NewAdrSpace( MEMTAG_MAXSYSMEM,64<<12,
- MEMTAG_VMMAXSIZE,64*1024*1024, // 64MB
- } else {
- adr = NewAdrSpace( MEMTAG_MAXSYSMEM,25<<12,
- MEMTAG_VMSIZE,64*1024*1024, // 64MB
- }
- if (adr) {
- Printf("Creating the new address space succeeded.\n"
- "Address space is: %08lx\n",adr);
- if (EnterAddressSpace(adr,NULL)) {
- Printf("Entered the address space successfully.\n");
- vmpool = NewVMPool( MEMTAG_ADRSPACE,adr,
- if (vmpool) {
- Printf("Created the new pool succesfully.\n"
- "Pool is: %08lx\n",vmpool);
- rc = PoolTest(vmpool);
- DeleteVMPool(vmpool);
- } else Printf("mmap failed: Could not create new pool.\n");
- LeaveAddressSpace(NULL);
- } else Printf("mmap failed: Failed to enter the address space.\n");
- DeleteAdrSpace(adr);
- } else Printf("mmap failed: Could not create new address space.\n");
- DeleteMMUContext(ctx);
- return rc;
- }
- ///
- /// PoolTest
- int PoolTest(struct VMPool *pool)
- {
- unsigned short seed[3];
- long index=0,delta;
- struct Keeper **kpp,*kp;
- ULONG max;
- ULONG total = 0;
- ULONG mems = 0;
- ULONG meter = 0;
- struct Keeper *first[256];
- UBYTE fidx = 0;
- ULONG acnt = 0;
- struct DateStamp orig,ds;
- memset(first,0,sizeof(first));
- DateStamp(&ds);
- /*
- seed[0]=ds.ds_Tick;
- seed[1]=ds.ds_Tick>>16;
- seed[2]=ds.ds_Minute;
- */
- seed[0]=1;
- seed[1]=1;
- seed[2]=2;
- seed48(seed);
- max = 64*1024*1024;
- Printf("Start messing the (virtual) memory....\n");
- DateStamp(&orig);
- do{
- if (((lrand48() & 0x3fff)>((meter>2500)?0x2400:0x1a00)) && (max>0)) {
- delta=0;
- switch(lrand48() & 0x7000){
- case 0x1000:
- case 0x2000:
- case 0x3000:
- index=rangerand(0x100);
- break;
- case 0x4000:
- index=rangerand(0x200);
- break;
- case 0x5000:
- index=rangerand(0x800);
- delta=lrand48() & 0x03;
- break;
- case 0x6000:
- index=rangerand(max);
- delta=lrand48() & 0x1f;
- break;
- case 0x7000:
- index=rangerand(max);
- delta=lrand48() & 0x07;
- break;
- }
- if (delta)
- index >>= delta;
- index &= (~7);
- if ((index>0) && (index<=max)) {
- Printf("Allocating");
- Flush(Output());
- acnt++;
- if (kp=AllocVMemory(pool,index)) {
- Printf(" %08lx bytes at %08lx.\n",index,kp);
- kp->next=first[fidx];
- kp->len=index;
- first[fidx]=kp;
- mems++;
- max-=index;
- total+=index;
- fidx++;
- } else Printf(" %08lx bytes failed.\n",index);
- }
- } else {
- if (mems>0) {
- index=rangerand(mems);
- kpp=indextokp(first,index);
- if (kpp) {
- ULONG len;
- kp=*kpp;
- *kpp=kp->next;
- max+=kp->len;
- total-=kp->len;
- Printf("Releasing ");
- len = kp->len;
- Flush(Output());
- acnt++;
- FreeVMemory(pool,kp,kp->len);
- Printf(" %08lx bytes at %08lx.\n",len,kp);
- mems--;
- }
- }
- }
- meter++;
- if (CheckSignal(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D)) {
- LONG ticks;
- DateStamp(&ds);
- ticks = ds.ds_Days - orig.ds_Days;
- ticks = (ds.ds_Minute - orig.ds_Minute) + (ticks * 24 * 60);
- ticks = (ds.ds_Tick - orig.ds_Tick) + (ticks * 60 * 50);
- if (acnt) ticks = (ticks * 100) / acnt;
- else ticks = 0;
- Printf("Holding 0x%08lx bytes in %ld blocks. Time per allocation: %ld\n",total,mems,ticks);
- DateStamp(&orig);
- acnt = 0;
- }
- if (meter>5000)
- meter=0;
- }while(!CheckSignal(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C));
- Printf("*** Break\n");
- fidx = 0;
- do {
- while(first[fidx]) {
- kp=first[fidx];
- first[fidx]=kp->next;
- FreeVMemory(pool,kp,kp->len);
- }
- } while(++fidx);
- Printf("Done.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- ///
- /// rangerand
- long rangerand(long max)
- {
- return (long)(((ULONG)(lrand48()))%((ULONG)(max)));
- }
- ///
- /// indextokp
- struct Keeper **indextokp(struct Keeper **first,long index)
- {
- struct Keeper **kpp = first+(index & 0xff);
- index >>= 8;
- while(index>0){
- if (*kpp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- kpp=&((*kpp)->next);
- index--;
- }
- if (*kpp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return kpp;
- }
- ///